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Editing, Leadership, and Teambuilding

Third Draft Edits

As one of the Editors-in-Chief, I have to edit third drafts from periods 7 and 4. Since my focus on Muse was photography I did not know a lot about writing so I had to expand my caption writing experience and learn writing specifics. Since I am one of the final eyes over text before copy, I make sure to go line by line providing any changes, rewordings, etc.. I also believe that editing so many third drafts this semester has given me a lot of practice, allowing me to improve on catching smaller mistakes which are imperative to find.


After becoming Editor-in-Cheif I had to learn from the previous editors and their skills. Now, having to transition into this new position, I have learned the importance of interacting with staffers and supporting their needs. One of the key components to the production of issue 4, is making sure that my CO-EIC and I are energized during class. Maintaining close connections with the staff and fostering a positive staff culture will make staffers excited to come into class and want to produce quality work.  



One of my priorities is to make sure I create a welcoming environment where everyone knows I am available to support them. I try to create trainings and activities that help photo staffers bond and get to practice their skills and learn through opportunities. When I was a staffer, I know I felt appreciated as part of The Muse so I want to make my staffers feel as welcomed and appreciated as I did when I first joined the staff.

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Third Draft Edits

As one of the Editors-in-Chief, I have to edit third drafts from periods 7 and 4. Since my focus on Muse was photography I did not know a lot about writing so I had to expand my caption writing experience and learn writing specifics. Since I am one of the final eyes over text before copy, I make sure to go line by line providing any changes, rewordings, etc.. I also believe that editing so many third drafts this semester has given me a lot of practice, allowing me to improve on catching smaller mistakes which are imperative to find.

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Communication is critical especially with staffers, editors, the Managing Editors, and my co-EIC Mariana. I typically talk to staffers to check up on them or let them know that I edited. When it comes to sending messages to editors, I talk to them often to see how their team/section is doing and then just ask them how they are doing. I communicate daily with Mariana. Whether it is planning for class or a meeting we talk often to ensure we are on the same page. I aim to reply as quickly as I can so everything can be done efficiently.

Photo Editing

As an editor I make sure to dedicate my time to giving meaningful feedback on stories/photos/proofs/etc. During my first semester as an editor I learned the importance of guiding the staffers, but also letting them learn on their own. I aim to leave edits that do not just do the work for the staffer, but explain my reasoning for an edit or discuss with them how their work could be improved. I want to make sure they are learning and not just approving my comments.

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Team Wars

On The Muse, it is so important that staffers have an opportunity to let go and have fun in class as well as being productive. Staffers are typically more engaged and motivated in class if they feel supported and part of a community. Team wars is where we set aside class time once each week to do an activity for points. These points are all tracked on our team wars poster which is candy land themed. At the beginning of each year each team and section comes up with a name around a theme. Our theme this year was candy so Candy and worked perfectly. Team names range from the goobers, to smarties, to the Airheads X-treme. At the end of the semester the team with the most points receives a catered lunch. Some games we play include the human knot, face cookie, and block relay. Some activities however, are just to build camaraderie such as Muse tries: class yoga and Muse tries: Just Dance.


This year my co- EIC and I wanted to ensure everyone felt like they belonged and that The Muse staff was supportive. While we had some of these initiatives in the past we decided to bring them back and also make them have more of a presence in the classroom. Some of these include Moostipher Antlerson (our class mascot), star staffer and star editor which are displayed in the classroom, and team and section goals which are also hung up. These are so important to our staff as checking off goals of their poster helps them achieve their goals and having star staffers and editors allows everyone to lift each other up. We also celebrate all the awards anyone recieves and aim to empower all of the staff.

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by Sofia Hennessey-Correa.

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