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Broadcast Journalism

After being apart of my middle school's tv production team I have always enjoyed editing videos and telling stories through audio and visual formats.

I was taking photos at our school getting presented a check and some of the students performed to thank the donor. Although it was not my responsibility, I decided to record portions of their performances. These videos were then embedded into into a story that also included a photo gallery.

In sophomore year I was taking photos for my writers Issue 4 print story. I wanted something quick and engaging to go along with our story on social media. Since I had some video experience I took some videos after taking photos and edited them on Adobe Premiere. I gained more experience utilizing Premiere which can be very intricate and difficult to use at times. I made the prmotional video short and tried to match some of the clips to the audio. Although the promo went through all drafts and was ready to be posted, it was never posted due to Issue 4 coming out after the year ended. This did however, give me a good opportunity to practice my video filming and editing skills.

by Sofia Hennessey-Correa.

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